"There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in" // Leonard Cohen
I've always loved photos with light leaks. Some of my favourite childhood photos have them. I guess maybe I've been feeling nostalgic lately. Christmas can have that effect. I'd love to buy up some old cameras with light leaks, but alas I'm a poor uni student with better things to buy. I've been mildly obsessed with recreating that effect on my current photos though, and have found a way to do so with the help of a few apps.
I always put my photos through VSCO, but one of my favourite apps to use lately is HUJI. It essentially turns your phone into a disposable camera. The app's settings leave a date on your photos like a disposable camera, but you can modify or completely remove it if you want.

HUJI will create light leaks for you, but not always. If I want to add them in myself, I use Afterlight. Afterlight also has a bunch of dust effects for that old-photo-that's-been-sitting-in-a-box vibe.

Enjoy making your photos look a touch vintage, and here's hoping I achieve my dream of getting a camera with real light leaks someday.
xo Dominique